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Pop Boffin
The web version of the best print zine on earth. The latest product from the genius mind of the incomparable Lara Jenny. Featuring articles on music, film, TV literature and oh so much more. Plus stuff by me, including my baffling cartoon L'il' Kitten Kris.

The London-based that Lara Pop Boffin co-edited before returning to Vancouver. The zine that invented fun!

Winecellar Records
This is the record label that my homeboy Chris T-T ran from our bunker in The People's Republic of Arnos Grove (London, N11). You can download his excellent eclectic folk-pop music from here plus you can gaze upon his immense physical beauty.

The more-or-less official site of the best band in the world (The Fall, dummy). Informative, well-maintained and comforting proof that there are plenty of Fall fans out there just as crazy and obsessive as me.

The site of the zine of the co-presenter of the radio show of the me. My fellow Radio Free Press presenter, Bleek, edits this excellent zine full of raw editorial invective, tasteless cartoons and features on massively obscure British indie groups.

The Wire
Simply the best music mag in the world. Those who claim it is pretentious and boring are themselves pretentious, boring AND vacuous. How d'you like them apples?